& between the lines

A multimedial analysis of tennis culture within an evolving era of globalization and consumerism


Thank you for exploring my tennis journal. The purpose of Over the Net is to examine the intersection of tennis culture and the broader global issues it is unavoidably imbricated in. Admittedly, this is an ambitious endeavor as “tennis culture” can range from the ongoings of the professional circuits to my own experiences on court. It can range from television broadcasts to the experiences of the people who make the tennis balls the entire sport relies on, from the social statements articulated through tennis fashion to socioeconomic disparities in being able to financially access the sport. And it is always changing! Accordingly, I attempt to avoid the stagnation posed by traditional journal publications by adopting a digitized multimedial approach: on this site, you should expect to find video blogs, research based essays, narrative accounts, photo analyses, etc. that examine tennis culture from many angles. It is with this methodology that I hope to cultivate a nonlinear, atemporal, user experience that conveys the fun and flawed experience of participating in tennis culture… a.k.a “playing tennis.”

Thesis: In order to healthily and sustainably grow the sport of tennis, coverage and consumerism of tennis and tennis related products must be centered around supporting local tennis competitions and traditions, not in the interests of serving as opposition to globalized professional circuits but instead as a means of reforming its historic and contemporary shortcomings, thereby creating a stronger product backed by reliably invested participants and supporters.

To support the thesis above, entries for this journal are divided into four broad themes.

Each theme will hopefully be updated once a month on a rotating basis.

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